[EstudiantesMatemática] Fw: Research Bimester Naples 2009

Javier Cóppola javier.coppola.rodriguez en gmail.com
Vie Nov 14 12:42:42 UYST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ezequiel Maderna <eze en fing.edu.uy>
Date: 2008/11/12
Subject: [Todos CMAT] Fw: Research Bimester Naples 2009
To: todos_imerl en fing.edu.uy, todos en cmat.edu.uy

----- Original Message ----- *From:* Alfonso
Sorrentino<asorrent en Math.Princeton.EDU>
*To:* alfonso en ceremade.dauphine.fr
*Cc:* Martin Andersson <martin.andersson en ens.fr> ; Louis-Pierre
Arguin<larguin en Math.Princeton.EDU>; Pavel
Bachurin <pavel.bachurin en gmail.com> ; Pierre
Berger<pierre.berger en normalesup.org>; Patrick
BERNARD <pbernard en ceremade.dauphine.fr> ; Olga
Bernardi<obern en math.unipd.it>; Timothy
Blass <tblass en math.utexas.edu> ; Stefanella Boatto <boatto en impa.br> ; Abed
Bounemoura <abed.bounemoura en math.u-psud.fr> ; Renato
Calleja<rcalleja en math.utexas.edu>; Luca
Capogna <capogna en uark.edu> ; Francesco Cellarosi
<fcellaro en Princeton.edu> ; Alessandra
Celletti <celletti en mat.uniroma2.it> ; Chong-Qing Cheng
<chengcq en nju.edu.cn>; Federico
Coglitore <federico.coglitore en math.uni-freiburg.de> ; Gonzalo
Contreras<gonzalo en cimat.mx>; Livia
Corsi <lcorsi en mat.uniroma3.it> ; Emiliano De
Simone<emiliano.desimone en helsinki.fi>; Marco
Discendenti <marcodisce en gmail.com> ; Carlotta Donadello <donadel en sissa.it> ;
Stefano Galatolo <galatolo en dm.unipi.it> ; Marian Gidea
<M-Gidea en neiu.edu> ; Alessandro
Giuliani <giuliani en mat.uniroma3.it> ; Caciotta
Giulio<caciotta en mat.uniroma2.it>; Diogo
Aguiar Gomes <dgomes en math.ist.utl.pt> ; Maria del Mar
Gonzalez<mar.gonzalez en upc.edu>; Gemma
Huguet <gemma.huguet en upc.edu> ; Loredana Lanzani <lanzani en uark.edu> ; Andrea
Loi <loi en unica.it> ; Laura Luzzi <l.luzzi en sns.it> ; Ezequiel
Maderna<eze en fing.edu.uy>; Robert
Marangell <roble81 en email.unc.edu> ; Luca Marchese <l.marchese en sns.it> ; Mauro
Mariani <mariani.mau en gmail.com> ; Gabriel
Paternain<G.P.Paternain en dpmms.cam.ac.uk>; Fabio
Pusateri <pusateri en cims.nyu.edu> ; Filippo
Santambrogio<filippo en ceremade.dauphine.fr>; Yannick
Sire <sire en cmi.univ-mrs.fr> ; Bernardo Sousa <bsousa en andrew.cmu.edu> ; Corinna
Ulcigrai <ulcigrai en Math.Princeton.EDU> ; Maxime
Zavidovique<Maxime.Zavidovique en umpa.ens-lyon.fr>; Claire
Chavau <cchavau en hotmail.com>
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:27 AM
*Subject:* Fwd: Research Bimester Naples 2009

Dear all,

I was kindly asked to forward the message below to potentially-interested
I apologize for this indiscriminate spamming :-)


Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

 *Da: *Massimiliano Berti <m.berti en unina.it>
*Data: *12 novembre 2008 13:09:32 GMT+01:00
*A: *Ivar Ekeland <ekeland en math.ubc.ca>, iooss en math.unice.fr, Andrea
Malchiodi <malchiod en sissa.it>, zanolin en dimi.uniud.it, Luca Biasco <
biasco en mat.uniroma3.it>, Philippe Bolle <philippe.bolle en univ-avignon.fr>,
Alfonso Sorrentino <asorrent en Math.Princeton.EDU>, "alessandro.portaluri" <
alessandro.portaluri en unimib.it>, "Piero D'Ancona" <dancona en mat.uniroma1.it>,
gentile <gentile en mat.uniroma3.it>, Amadeu Delshams <Amadeu.Delshams en upc.edu>
*Oggetto: **Research Bimester Naples 2009*

  Dear speakers,
can you please sent this information to all the interested people who could
attend? thanks a lot, Masssimiliano


We are organizing a research intensive period:  *1 April - 6 June 2009, *
Naples*, I*taly
"New Connections between Dynamical Systems and Hamiltonian PDEs*"

In particular there will be:

- *Preliminary Courses* and *Talks* in the period *April 1 - May 15*
- An *Advanced Schoo*l in the period *18-30 May*
- A final *Workshop* in the period *1-6 June*, on the Amalfi Coast.

*Scientific Committee:* *D. Bambusi, M. Berti, V. Coti Zelati, W. Craig, S.
Kuksin, G. Wayne.*

Confirmed speaker at the moment are:

*P. Baldi, D. Bambusi, M. Berti, V. Benci, P. Bolle, L. Biasco, **L.
Chierchia,  J. Colliander, V. Coti Zelati, W. Craig, N. Dancer, P. D'Ancona,
R. De La Llave, A. Delshams, I. Ekeland, H. Eliasson,  D. Fortunato,  G.
Gentile, P. Gerard, V. Georgiev, B. Grébert, M. Groves, G. Iooss, T.
Kappeler, A. Kiselev, S.  B. Kuksin,  A. Malchiodi, A. Portaluri, M.
Procesi, P. Rabinowitz (to be confirmed), A. Sorrentino, S. Terracini, J.
Toland,  C. Viterbo., A. Volberg, F. Zanolin, E. J. Zehnder, W.M. Wang.*

For details, see the web site:    http://www.dma.unina.it/hamiltonianPDE

Deadline for registration and for asking finantial support: 1 March 2009.

Please circulate this information between all the interested people,
especially between young people.

This acrivity is supported by *ERC (European Research Council)* and *INDAM
(Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica)*

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