[EstudiantesMatemática] First Announcement (fwd)

Javier Cóppola javier.coppola.rodriguez en gmail.com
Lun Abr 28 18:24:46 UYT 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dr. Roberto Markarian - IMERL <roma en fing.edu.uy>
Date: 2008/4/28
Subject: [Todos CMAT] First Announcement (fwd)
To: todos_imerl en fing.edu.uy, todos en cmat.edu.uy, gcavalone en dim.uchile.cl

Estimado Profesor Roberto Markarian, le envío adjunto el 1er anuncio del
congreso.  Le saluda cordialmente,


                     FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT
             School on Information and Randomness
           Santiago de Chile, December 15-19, 2008

This School will be held at the Center for Mathematical Modeling at the
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chle (Avenida Blanco Encalada 2120, 7th

This School will cover topics in random processes, ergodic theory,
probabilistic algorithms, backward stochastic differential equations,
mathematical finance, coagulation and fragmentation theory,
stochastic modeling in biology, applications in computing and learning,
and we look forward to seeing the latest developments in these areas.

There are some fellowships, travel support and living expenses,
especially for Chilean and Latin-American students. Qualifying
individuals need to fill out the Online Registration Form and send
their curriculum vitae to the secretary of the school before
October 31, 2008.

Organizing Committee: Alejandro Maass (Universidad de Chile)
                     Servet Martínez (Universidad de Chile)
                     Jaime San Martín (Universidad de Chile)

Courses - Lecturers:

     * Tomasz Downarowicz (Wroclaw University of Technology)
       Symbolic extensions of smooth interval maps.

     * Alexander Gnedin (Utrecht University)
       Regeneration in random combinatorial structures.

     * Philip Pollett (The Univeristy of Queensland)
       Stochastic models for population networks (metapopulations).

     * Peng Shige (Shandong University)
       Dynamic risk measure using BSDE and G-Brownian motion.


Gladys Cavallone
e-mail: ir2008 en dim.uchile.cl
Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática
Universidad de Chile
Casilla 170, correo 3
Santiago, Chile
Telephone: 56-2-978 44 72
Fax:       56-2-688 38 21
Lista Todos CMAT
Todos en cmat.edu.uy
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