[EstudiantesMatemática] International Manolo Oleis Coloqium

Javier Cóppola javier.coppola.rodriguez en gmail.com
Mie Nov 14 21:15:45 UYST 2007

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From: lessa en cmat.edu.uy <lessa en cmat.edu.uy>
Date: 12-nov-2007 10:39
Subject: [Todos CMAT] International Manolo Oleis Coloqium
To: todos en cmat.edu.uy

This Thursday 18:30hrs at the CMAT we celebrate the last meeting of
the 2007 Manolo Oleis Coloqium.

Our guest speaker Diego Armentano is currently visiting Uruguay from
the University of Toronto.

The talk will be about Bezout's Theorem.

We invite all attendees to stay after the talk for the traditional toast.

Organizing Committee of M.O.C.

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