[EstudiantesMatemática]Fwd: [Todos CMAT] Suscripción a biblioteca digital de [windows-1252] ingeniería IEEE / IEE

Elisa Rocha elisaroch en gmail.com
Mar Dic 11 23:01:50 UYST 2007

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From: Biblioteca del Centro de Matematica <bicen en cmat.edu.uy>
Date: 11-dic-2007 10:51
Subject: [Todos CMAT] Suscripción a biblioteca digital de [windows-1252]
ingeniería IEEE / IEE
To: todos en cmat.edu.uy
Cc: todos_imerl en fing.edu.uy

Estimados todos,

Les informo que a partir de hoy, y gracias al auspicio de
Antel, contamos con una suscripcin a la IEL Digital Library
a texto completo.
El acceso es a partir de este URL:

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/dynhome.jsp y es vlido desde todos

los nmeros de IP de la Universidad de la Repblica.

Este es un extracto de las condiciones de la licencia.
Si desean leer el acuerdo de licencia completo, por favor
escribir a jdemasi en fing.edu.uy.

Authorized Users means (a) persons affiliated with Licensee as
students, faculty or employees; (b) authorized persons physically
present in Licensee's library facilities; and (c) such other persons as
IEEE may, at the request of Licensee and in IEEEs sole discretion,
authorize in writing to access the Licensed Products.

Authorized Uses. Licensee and its Authorized Users may:
(a) access, search, browse and view the Licensed Products;
(b) download and print individual Articles for the scholarly or research
use of Authorized Users;
(c) make a reasonable number of photocopies of a printed Article for the
scholarly or research use of Authorized Users;
(d) forward PDF links to individual Articles, but not the contents of
such Articles, to Authorized Users and others;
(e) post up to twenty-five (25) Articles in PDF format for the purposes
of electronic course reserves on Licensees secure website, provided
that Licensee gives IEEE prior written notice of the Articles to be
posted and removes them within ninety (90) days after the conclusion of
the course; and
(f) print and deliver Articles to fulfill requests from non-commercial
libraries located within the same country as Licensee as part of the
practice commonly known as interlibrary loan, provided that such
practice complies with Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act and the
guidelines developed by the National Commission on New Technological
Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU Guidelines).

Restrictions. Except as expressly permitted in this Agreement, Licensee
and its Authorized Users may not:
(a) substantially or systematically download, reproduce, retain or
redistribute the Licensed Products or any journal or issue of a journal
in the Licensed Products;
(b) electronically distribute, via e-mail or otherwise, any Article;
(c) abridge, modify, translate or create any derivative work based upon
the Licensed Products without the prior written consent of IEEE;
(d) display or otherwise make available any information from the
Licensed Products to anyone other than Authorized Users;
(e) sell, resell, rent, lease, license, sublicense, assign or otherwise
transfer any rights granted in Section 3, including, but not limited to,
use of the Licensed Products for document delivery, fee-for-service or
any other substantially similar commercial purpose; or
remove, obscure or modify in any way copyright notices, other notices or
disclaimers that appear on Articles or in the Licensed Products.

La suscripcin durar 12 meses, con opcin a renovacin. Incluye un
servicio al cliente:

Customer Service. IEEE will provide customer service via e-mail,
telephone or fax during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, excluding U.S. holidays) for
feedback, problem-solving or general questions.
Telephone: +1 800 701 4333 (USA/Canada), +1 732 981 0060 (International)
Fax: +1 732 981 9667
Email: onlinesupport en ieee.org


Lic. Joseline Cortazzo
Facultad de Ciencias
Centro de matematica
tel. 598(2)5252522/102

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:35:38 -0300
From: Julia Demasi <jdemasi en fing.edu.uy>
Reply-To: bibuni en listas.rau.edu.uy
To: bibuni en listas.rau.edu.uy
Subject: [Bibuni] [windows-1252] Suscripción a biblioteca digital de
    [windows-1252] ingeniería IEEE / IEE

Estimados colegas,

Julia Demasi
Asistente de Biblioteca
Facultad de Ingeniería

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Bibuni en listas.rau.edu.uy

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