[EstudiantesMatemática] charla de Raúl Tempone. Resol. numérica de ecs diferenciales ordinarias

javier en cmat.edu.uy javier en cmat.edu.uy
Vie Dic 29 00:17:13 UYST 2006

Lugar: IMERL.

>> Viernes 29 de diciembre, 10 hs.
>> Estimacion del error global en ODEs y metodos adaptativos para su
>> control.
>>> Resumen:
>>> A variational principle, inspired by optimal control, yields a simple
>>> derivation of an error representation, global error=\sum local
>>> error*weight, for general approximation of functions of solutions to
>>> ordinary differential equations. This error representation is then
>>> approximated by a sum of computable error indicators, to obtain a useful
>>> global error indicator for adaptive mesh refinements. A uniqueness
>>> formulation is provided for desirable error representations of adaptive
>>> algorithms.
>>> We construct an adaptive algorithm for ordinary differential equations
>>> and
>>> analyze its asymptotic behavior as the error tolerance parameter tends
>>> to
>>> zero. An adaptive algorithm, based on the error indicators and
>>> successive
>>> subdivision of time steps, is proven to stop with the optimal number, N,
>>> of steps up to a problem independent factor defined in the algorithm.

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